Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are the latest celebrities targeted by a gang of thieves

Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson are the latest celebrities targeted by a gang of thieves

Unfortunately, Tom Hanks and Rita Wilson have just discovered that being world famous or having all the money in the world can’t keep their home safe from intruders, as they have become the latest celebrities to be targeted by burglars attempting to rob luxury homes in the Los Angeles area.

Police authorities have revealed to TMZ and the Los Angeles Times that burglars broke into Hanks and Wilson’s cliff-top estate in the posh Pacific Palisades neighborhood of Los Angeles. The robbery took place last month in broad daylight, TMZ reported.

The burglars gained access to the $26 million home by breaking a guest house window, TMZ reported. The broken glass set off an alarm, but that didn’t stop the thieves from entering the home.